April 12, 2011

Join PollinatorLIVE for April 13th (TOMORROW!) Broadcast Live from the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

Greetings Pollinator Partners:

PollinatorLIVE: A Distance Learning Adventure is offering teachers and classrooms an opportunity this spring to learn about pollinators, gardening, and what students and classrooms can do to get involved.  For more information, go to http://pollinatorlive.pwnet.org. 

Make a note to join us on Wednesday, April 13 for an electronic field trip to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center to learn about “Nature’s Partners: Pollinators, Plants and People.”  This free, interactive program will be broadcast on AISD-TV,  Cable Channel 22 on Time Warner Cable and Grande Communications, and in the classroom on the MediaCAST System, live from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Central Time in English and from 12 noon to 1 p.m. in Spanish.  The program is geared toward students in grades 4 - 8.

The program is interactive so classrooms will be able to send in their questions during the broadcast to be answered by experts.  In addition, there will be pop quiz questions that students may answer online and the answers and results will be provided during the program.  An all-star cast of scientists and educators will be explaining pollination, plant-insect interactions, how to study pollinators, their importance to the food supply, and what people can do to help. 

Go to the PollinatorLIVE web site at http://PollinatorLIVE.pwnet.org to learn more.  The web site also features resources that meet National Science Education Standards for the classroom.  PollinatorLIVE is geared toward students in grades 4 – 8, but there are lesson plans and activities of interest to teachers and students in all grades.   Questions?  Contact Kristy Liercke at lierckkx@pwcs.edu or at (800) 609-2680.  Follow us on Twitter @ PWNetwork. PollinatorLIVE is brought to you by the USDA Forest Service, Partners in Resource Education, and many other sponsors and partners.

    Este Video es en Español