AISD Media Productions (AMPS), the department that operates cable channel 22 and, would like to invite all students; faculty and staff to showcase their student produced video works on channel 22.
This is an opportunity to promote and showcase the unique activities and productions in your school by sending us your ready-to-air footage of band concerts, choir concerts, plays, spelling bees, documentaries, screen plays or other noteworthy events and shows.
Depending on the number of entries, Channel 22 will air the showcase during primetime and repeat regularly during the broadcast schedule. The channel is also streamed on-line at
Now for the nitty gritty:
Video Requirements:
· The video needs to be complete with opening and closing titles and ready to air. Pay attention to your production values to ensure it has usable audio and video.
· Approval of your faculty sponsor.
· NTSC or ATSC standard, SD or HD, HD is preferred.
· For electronic files we accept .mov, mp4 (H.264), WME, m2v and mpeg or mpg. Codecs should be limited to the highest quality such as Apple DV, Apple Pro Res or Apple XDCamHD. They need to be self-contained files. Minimum size is 640X480, but 1280x720 and 1920x1080 are preferred.

All videos delivered must have a slate at least 10 seconds before start of show (count downs are not necessary) that contain the following information:
Title: Name of Program
School: Name of School
Date: Date Produced
Kill Date: Date Program Expires
Length: Length of Program
Contact: Name & Phone of Contact Person
Delivery Formats:
· Our preferred method of delivery is electronic file. Delivery can be accomplished through the AISD-TV FTP site. Teachers have already been set up on this delivery. Those that need a refresher or did not receive that information last spring, please let us know.
· Portable formats include: BetaCAM. DVCam, DV or Blu-ray. Please label portable media to include the same information as the slate.
Mail Delivery Address (using the district mail system):
AISD Media Productions/Cable TV Channel 22
Baker Building, Room 116
That’s it! Break a leg!
Send us a link to your school’s main video website (one per school only) and we’ll be sure to add that link to the AISD-TV blog.
Please let us know if your students would like to tour the AISD-TV studio.
We look forward to your submissions. If you have any questions, please call Oscar Palomo or Garry Wilkison at 512.414.1030 or email us at for more information.