2009-2019 Archive Founded in 1982, AISD.TV is the official Public Access TV and Streaming channel of the Austin Independent School District. We are cable channel 22 on Spectrum, Grande, and AT&T U-verse (Ch. 99). You can also watch our free livestream on Apple TV and Roku.
Please Note: This site is no longer being updated. Visit our new site at www.aisd.tv to watch our live channel and for on-demand access to our shows.
August 8, 2012
NASA Educational Television
AISD-TV airs satellite programming from NASA Educational Television. Our block times are from 9 am to 10 am, Monday through Friday and from 4pm to 6pm Monday through Friday. The NASA Education website provides their full schedule and descriptions of shows. Please remember that their schedule times are for the eastern time zone. The site also includes information for teachers and teacher guides. You can find more information at NASA's complete education website.
Thanks for watching AISD-TV!